Sol Óptica



What is astigmatism?
Astigmatism is a defect in the curvature of the cornea (and / or lens) and can join or myopia
An astigmatic not see well or even remotely close and has a distorted view of objects.

How to detect?
The most common symptoms of astigmatism include:
 Poor distance visual acuityCornea astigmastismo
 Itching, burning and / or red eyes
 Feeling of sand in the eyes
 Headaches
 Confusion of letters such as H and N or C and O How correct it?
Astigmatism is compensated by corrective lenses Toric.
If the astigmatism is due to an irregular cornea, often better visual result is obtained with the use of lenses
adapted rigid contact.

HipertropíaThe farsightedness


What is farsightedness?
In contrast to myopia, the eye is not powerful enough in relation to its length. The image is formed behind the retina, brain
receives a blurred image if it fails to compensate for accommodation.
Certain weaknesses detected late hyperopic hyperopic as they can accommodate them without undue
difficulties, especially if the subjects have a good ability to accommodate their daily work and whether or imply
sustained effort too closely.

How to correct?Ojo Hipertrope
Hyperopia is corrected by wearing glasses with convex glasses or contact lenses adequate.
In most cases, to properly view the hyperopic must use a lot of energy, which implies in general
visual fatigue and sometimes headaches.
The use of glasses or contact lenses removes the effort of accommodation. Therefore eliminates the fatigue caused by
excessive accommodation that was necessary for comfortable viewing.


Visión miope


What is myopia?

A myopic eye is an eye too strong with respect to its length. In a myopic eye image is formed in front of the retina.
This results in sending the brain of a blurred image of objects at a distance.

How to detect?
Myopia is easy to detect because the myopic complains of not seeing well yentorna eyes away for easy viewing of
distant objects.

MiopíaHow to correct?
Myopia is corrected after a complete and thorough visual examination by your optician by the use of glasses fitted with
concave lenses or contact lenses.

Parents and teachers should be alert to possible child myopia carefully noting their positions. If the child
excessively about their books, books or television, whether squinting to look far ...
could be indicative of the presence of myopia.


What is presbyopia?
Presbyopia is a refractive error, combined with other optical defects of the eye. It is a natural phenomenon that affects everyone from the forty


Over time, the lens loses its elasticity and fails to focus on nearby objects.
The person is then required for example to read the newspaper at arm's length, to seek the presence of light ...
How to correct?
Near vision lenses: let see well up close (a book for example) but beyond a few dozen centimeters
vision is blurred.
Intermediate vision lenses or proximity: Also called computer glasses.

Allow clear view up close and intermediate vision: you can read a book and watch the computer screen, however you can not see clearly from afar. These glasses are therefore forbidden to drive.

Progressive lenses: the ideal solution, this is the aesthetic solution to facilitate the vision of presbyopes allowing them to see
perfectly at all distances with the same pair of glasses.
In a progressive crystal, the correction varies progressively between the different parts of the crystal. The top of the glass used
for distance, the middle for intermediate vision and the bottom of the glass for near vision.
Some good advice for daily living with progressive lenses:
- Down stairs, turn his head slightly and look down the top of the glass, the view from afar.
- To look at an object at hand, remember to turn your head!Presbicia
  - To work with a computer, you must follow certain rules:
- Have the height of your screen at eye level
- Keep an arm's length between you and the screen
- Adjust the lighting in the room uniformly